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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kannum Kannum

Prasanna, an orphan vents his feelings in a poem but he doesn’t send it to any magazine. Surprisingly he reads a poem, penned by a girl, in a magazine that is quite similar to what he has written. Prasanna is amused and sets off to find the girl. He finds that she is a collage student and living in Kutralam. He writes a letter and gets a reply. The friendship develops and it gradually evolves into love.

One fine day he goes to Kutralam to meet the girl and stays in his friend’s house. The girl is out of station on a collage tour. Ironically, the she is the sister of his friend. In the second half, the friend dies in a mishap, which is caused by Prasanna accidentally. Prasanna, wanting to make atonement for his fault, takes the responsibility of his friend and considers his friend’s sisters as his own sisters. When the girl comes back, she finds a new brother, who is supposed to be her lover. She was opposed with Prasanna since she thought it was totally his fault until she figures out why he has come to kutralam. Cries, emotions takes place after this tragic thing. What happens to the love makes the excellently conceived and well executed climax. People say it's a pretty neat film to watch as a family.

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